Tuesday, 2 October 2007

tough cookies

There are so many contrasts between nursing in England and nursing over here. The nurses are excellent and are masters of a little bit of everything but are still very much servants to the Dr's. One thing I find staggering is that it appears to be unacceptable for patients to be upset, show they're in pain or scared. I always feel a large part of my job back home is to provide reassurance, explanations of things which might seem frightening or just give someone a hug...but that's not the case in this hospital. Yesterday I watched a lady give birth on a wooden table.....silently! It was as though she wasn't there - the Dr made more noise than she did. When the baby finally slithered out there was no reassuring smiles, handholding, welldones - I gave the exhausted girl a smile and thumbs up which meant bugger all as I think it's the sign for having a drink here - she probably thought I was suggesting heading down the pub for a drink (if only!). Before operations people are blindfolded before being anaesthetised - it must be terrifying as needles are jabbed in without any warning. Indian people certainly are tough and maybe this approach is the way to get people to cope with conditions that we wouldn't be able to handle. No mollycoddling and definitely no feeling sorry for yourself. I spent one day with sickness and diarrhoea...I really don't envy those who are seriously ill. Still, I did have some companionship - a giant cockroach - 3inches long was keeping a close eye on me as I attempted to empty both ends down the toilet whilst simultaneously shooing him away!

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