Wednesday 16 July 2008

I quit!

A few weeks ago I admitted defeat and gave up on teaching. I had endured six weeks and that was enough. The final straw came when I was teaching from one of their English textbooks. Not only are they at a level that completely exceeds the childrens' abilities but they are also wrong. One exercise involved matching up words with pictures of various vegetables. Instead of carrot, cabbage etc written down there was head, nose, eyes. When I confronted the teacher about this she wouldn't admit that it was a mistake and got the children to match the words to the vegetables which most resembled the body part....unbelievable and pretty confusing for 5 year olds! The older children are no better off as all they do is copy the correct answers off the blackboard with no understanding of them. One fifteen year old lad didn't even know to leave spaces between the words. It was then I realised that I was fighting a losing battle! So I am now helping out at a nursery, getting tormented by thirty stunningly beautiful children with the biggest brown eyes and longest eyelashes I have ever seen! My performance skills are improving as I am made to stand at the front of the class and sing nursery rhymes. Watching the mums and dads leaving their children stirrs up all sorts of old memories. There is always a little one sobbing and I remember the empty feeling I used to get watching my mum walk away twenty-four years ago!!

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